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Navigating the Apocalypse


"I believe we’re in a collective liminal space, a threshold moment for humanity. Nature and culture are transforming simultaneously, which is unprecedented. Mythologically, this is akin to an apocalypse—but not in the destructive sense often portrayed. The word apocalypse means “lifting the veil,” revealing both the darkness and the light.

Elderhood in this context isn’t limited to age—it’s a presence. An elder is someone who has navigated their own challenges and emerged with wisdom. This presence can be found in young people as much as in the old. True elders bring healing, not by avoiding life’s struggles, but by embracing them and turning their wounds into sources of wisdom.

In many ways, we’re all being called to step into a form of elderhood. We must cultivate humility and openness to receive the knowledge and guidance that the cosmos is offering. Transformation requires us to let go of outdated worldviews and embrace interconnectedness—not only with each other but with the Earth and the greater universe."


~ Michael Meade



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